Day 14
Reading Gen. 43:1-Gen. 45:28
Honesty in all dealings is something God loves and expects of me. Jacob expected his sons to have not spoken about the family, however, what if they lied and never mentioned that they had a brother with the father?Would the story have been the same? Being crafty in the name of hiding information may look wise at that moment however it could be costly.
Learn to appreciate those who do well. A gift makes room like no other. Jacob understood that the ruler his sons spoke of was a person with authority and had blessed them by giving them plenty of food. He wanted that person appreciated. He also had the integrity to tell them to take back the money they should have paid for the food the previous occasion. Leaders look at such characteristics to see where your integrity is.
The brothers went to buy food and suddenly were invited to dine with the ruler. May God cause such favour to be my story. Buyers of food was the title the brothers had before they came for dinner and were about to discover that they were moving to a new dimension. Humility is to know who to talk to and where. The brothers knew they should speak to the steward who gave them the food and not Joseph about the money.
Joseph bringing the brothers to his house was a sign that they had passed his test of integrity. When the heart is free of bitterness or unforgiveness one yearns for family restoration. I find it interesting that the brothers never had a clue that Joseph could be the ruler with the way they were sat to dine.
As they sat and eat I'm sure they must have thought we have hit the jackpot and didn't even realise that there would be another test coming. Learn to be careful even when you dine with greatness, be on guard. If they had searched their bags they would have returned the cup before leaving. However, being on a high that they were all leaving must have numbed their thinking.
Be careful the words you speak when facing adversity or terror. They offered the death of whoever was found with a cup. Judah whilst speaking to Joseph mentioned that they considered the missing brother dead. This must have been painful to Joseph to think that his family thought of him as dead. Yet, Joseph saw that all that happened in his sold was for the good of his family. He had come to a place of realisation that all was for the good of the family. He recognised himself as a deliverer. When the hand of destiny is upon us at work everything is for a greater purpose. Learn to see things from the perspective of Heaven and it will be easier to let go of the pain.
Joseph had so much favour that Pharaoh commanded resources to bring his entire family. May God raise believers in places of government that they will be influential for the purposes of the Kingdom. As Pharaoh gave this instruction that Israel and his entire family move to Egypt I wonder if the prophecy given to Abraham about the children of Israel living in Egypt for 400 years was in their minds.
There is good news that revives the soul of the hearer. May I be the recipient of good news!!
Memory verse: Gen. 45:7
Father, I thank You for good news. This year I decree I will continually hear good news. I decree that I will walk in freedom. Free of unforgiveness and bitterness. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me. I release them and decree the blessings of God over their lives. I decree total restoration of family in my life. I decree and declare that I am a deliverer, used of God to deliver the people of God from poverty and destruction. I decree that I am available for the Master's use to be a saviour on earth bringing many to safety in Jesus name. Amen
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