Day 18
Reading: Ex. 5:1-Ex.7:25
The fight of mankind is whom do we worship. Moses didn't go Pharaoh to ask for the people to leave Eygpt for no other reason except to worship God. Live a life that worships God and no one else. Pharaoh had no regard for God. When entering battle understand that the enemy has no regard for God. He tried to usurp God's order in the Garden of Eden so don't expect the enemy to play a fair game. Pharaoh soon made the working conditions for the children of Israel to be harsher than before. The enemy won't allow anyone to worship God without a fight. As one sent of God understand that certain times before things get better they will turn for worse.
Moses was a man of prayer. When things got worse he went to the place of prayer. He didn't come up with the 10 things to get Pharaoh to like the children of Israel. He didn't collect an offering. Nope, he went to God in prayer. God had already told him that Pharaoh wouldn't be an easy cookie. Yet he didn't complain. He went to God in prayer. Charles, soak yourself with prayer at all times, in all seasons! In the place of prayer, God again assures Moses that he will lead the children of Israel out of Egypt however with a strong hand this victory would be wrought. God is a prayer answering God. His answers are to instil confidence. God reminded Moses whom he was talking to. Moses met I AM, the Lord. God was telling Moses that Pharaoh may be revered as a god by his people, however, he was about to meet God! The children of Israel only knew God as Almighty, now they were about to know Him as LORD.
You see the children of Israel were being held by a master however they were about to see the revelation of the true Master. The name Lord, Adonai in Hebrew, is the name of the Master. He is Master over all situations. He is master of all nations and rulers including Pharaoh. God assured Moses that He would bring His children out of bondage to liberty and this would be through great judgements and manifestations of His power. May God bring me out of every place of bondage with great judgement and His outstretched arm!
It is sad when God speaks but because of pain, you don't listen to what God is saying. The Word says that they didn't heed Moses because of the anguish of spirit. They were in such distress that their minds, bodies and souls were entirely troubled. Moses was still able to hear God even when the people could not heed him. As a leader develop the capacity to hear always no matter the circumstances. Moses was honest with God. He couldn't see why Pharaoh should listen to him when the Children of Israel weren't. Moses didn't realise that God had an answer waiting for him in this matter.
Charles, how do you see yourself? God had to deal with Moses's perception of himself. He kept belittling himself that he didn't see any value in himself. God decided to remind him that he is made in His image and likeness; soon Pharaoh would see Moses as a god and his brother as a prophet. May my enemies see me as a god from today for I am made in the image and likeness of God.
Aaron would soon use his rod to show Pharaoh that God was Lord over all. Notice that as his rod became a snake, the magicians of Eygpt also did the same. However, the supernatural of God will supersede that of the enemy. Notice that it wasn't the rod of Moses that was used here. Walk with someone who flows in the supernatural and soon it will flow in your life. The enemy may be mocking as I begin walking in the supernatural however God is God and He reigns.
Memory Verse: Ex. 7:1
Father, I thank You that you judge on my behalf. I decree that from today I will see your hand of judgement on every evil contending with Your purpose in my life. I decree that I shall testify of Your outstretched hand enabling me to worship in freedom and liberty of Spirit. I decree that I am walking in the supernatural. Every Pharaoh will see me as a 'god'. I decree that I prosper in all things. I decree that Adonai, the Lord reigns over all that concerns me. I decree that I will possess the land of promise and I'm walking in the wealth God ordained for me. By this decree and declaration, I activate a new season of going forward in Jesus name. Amen.
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