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God's Judgement

Day 19

Reading: Ex. 8:1- Ex. 10:29

God is a God of the process. Understand that life's dealings are a process of refinement. Moses may have thought that he would easily scare Pharaoh into releasing the children of Israel however that was not the case. This was going to take time. Learn to be patient in the dealings of God. The world needs to know that there is no one like the LORD our God.

The magicians may have been able to copy Moses with the plagues, however, each time they need Pharaoh to ask Moses to pray for intervention. This a sign to show that our dependence on a deliverer is to be on God only and no one else. One thing I found interesting is that Pharaoh was asked when he would want prayer for intervention and he said tomorrow. Why would anyone want to stay with frogs all over for another 24 hours? However, how many times do we stay mired in sin when we know we can walk away now! 

Moses responds by telling Pharaoh that God would heed his request. God listens to our words. Creation was filled with not just makings but with words proceeding every creation. Notice that the Bible records that God did according to the word of Moses, not Pharaoh. Moses assured Pharaoh that the frogs would disappear as requested and when Moses prayed it was done. God is looking for men and women who will stand in the gap to pray for the deliverance of families, lives, institutions, and nations.

The magicians copied two plagues- the water turning to blood and the frogs' menace- however, they couldn't do anymore. In fact, they told Pharaoh that these acts were now the finger of God. They recognised that it was not wizardry. They pointed Pharaoh to God however, he didn't recognise God. May the finger of God manifest on my behalf!

The next plague of flies saw them swarm over the land of Egypt. God also declares that from this time He would distinguish between His children and the people of Egypt. God will make a difference between His children and the world. The day is here for this to become a reality again. I believe that God is going to differentiate between His children and the rest of the world. 

Pharaoh wanted to negotiate the place of worship. Never negotiate on worshipping God. Don't allow any voice to change the covenant with God. What God requires must be obeyed implicitly. Pharaoh by reason of the plagues was stirred to let the people go however notice that his heart became hardened when things returned to normal. If when in a storm is over one changes their vows made to God in a storm they are simply setting themselves up for another storm. The storms of life are simply tools to break us up that we may be broken vessels before God. Pharaoh was refusing to be a broken vessel who acknowledged the Lordship of God.

God does set appointments and He never fails to keep them. He will in the season coming differentiate the children of God from the rest. Plagues will simply be used to change the status of economies around the children of Israel. Child of God get ready to see wealth shift towards you inexplicably. Get ready for manifestations that will cause enemies not to stand before you for the hand of judgement over the land. The magicians couldn't stand before Moses because of the boils. May those used by Pharaoh to delude the people also meet the same fate.

God warned Pharaoh that the plagues would go to his heart and not just the people or the possessions.  Understand that God desires to deal with the heart. The pain we go through is to deal with our hearts and thus purify them of evil intentions and motives. God raised Pharaoh for His purpose- to show forth His power that His name may be glorified in all the earth when people hear the testimony. God has positioned your enemies so that when people hear the testimony of God setting you free His name is magnified.

These plagues weren't done in a day or month. They took a period of time. Notice the Word says that all the livestock of the Egyptians died after the 5th plagues where livestock was diseased and died. However, in the 7th plague where hail rained from heaven, Pharaoh and his people were advised to hide their livestock. That implies time had passed and they had bought livestock. The process takes time. Be diligent to let the process work out fully and don't get annoyed over the time factor. God has everything under control.

By the 7th plague, people were taking evasive action. Those who feared the Lord. The Egyptians who feared God took cover. The last days will see many come to the place of acknowledging the Lord. The fear of God will come upon mankind again and the name of God will be revered again.

Only in the land of the children of Israel was safety found. May the land where I dwell be an ark. In this day and age where numerous times we see the environment misbehave may I be protected from so-called Acts of God.

Pharaoh was encountering God's judgement so that the Egyptians may know that the earth is the Lord's. Don't play games like Pharaoh who when in trouble asked for God's help but quickly forgot and returned to his ways. That is evidence of not having the fear of God. 

Even Pharaoh's servants were now begging Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go for Egypt was destroyed.Things were so bad that they now were on Moses' side. Get set to see people stand for your cause for they will recognise the hand of God upon you.

The locusts were sent to eat all that had survived the hail and thunder. At Pharaoh's request, Moses prays for the locusts to leave. God sends a west wind to blow them into the Red Sea. May God send a wind to blow away every locust that has entered my life. Pharaoh still wouldn't listen. God then sent darkness. Pharaoh was seen as a god by his people. The people worship the sun god and when God declared darkness He was simply announcing to Pharaoh that He is stronger than his idol. The darkness could not just be seen but also it was felt. Deep darkness! Pharaoh would always try to negotiate how the children of Israel would go to serve God. Moses was resolute that they were going to worship God with their all. Learn to give God your all and not just a part.

Memory Verse: Ex. 8:19


Father, I thank You that You are the Lord of all. I repent for not worshipping You with my all. Today I surrender all to You. I decree that You are the Most High God and only You will be worshipped. I decree that daily I will see the finger of God manifest on my behalf. I decree that all my enemies will fall by the wayside as God rises in judgement against them. I decree that my household will be separate from the judgement coming to the earth. I decree that no plague shall fall me. I decree that I am kept under the banner of God. I decree that even in the midst of the crisis in the world I flourish, increase and multiply. I decree that I am kept of God. I decree that even when deep darkness covers the earth the Lord is my Light and salvation in Jesus name. Amen


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