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God Show Me Your Glory!

Day 26

Reading: 31:1- Ex. 34:35

Not only preachers are anointed by God. Please remove the disposition that only those in full-time ministry are anointed. God tells Moses of a gentleman who had the skill necessary to build the tabernacle according to the pattern Moses had seen. God tells Moses that He has called Bezalel. From today don't despise your office. There is an anointing to be applied to the office. See the office as the full-time ministry and the grace to excel and build according to the pattern of God and it will flow. God is more than willing to fill me with the Spirit in wisdom, knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship. Every artisan would be involved in the project and God had given them the wisdom to fulfil the mandate. God will always guide on how to accomplish the task. Learn to wait on God and ask Him for instructions on who is to help with accomplishing the mission.

Rest is important to God. He introduced rest as He understood its vitality to humanity. Many today are suffering from illnesses or diseases that are really the result of not having proper rest. As I have kept reading the Word one thing I am appreciating is the importance of rest to God. Rest allows the body to recuperate. Is it not interesting that at the end of 40 days where God gave Moses this laws and instructions on the construction of the tabernacle the last thing God did before He gave Moses the tablets for the Testimony written with the finger of God were instructions on rest. They say in some parts of the world that the last words of a conversation are very important.

Leadership ain't easy. Aaron and the leaders were left in charge of the children of Israel. The people soon asked for an idol. They somehow couldn't move from the place of serving a God they couldn't see. They weren't content with serving God who introduced Himself as I AM in Egypt. Aaron himself gave into the temptation of the people. As a leader don't give into the evil desires of your followers. Stay clear of them and stay true to the calling and purpose. Aaron was to be a priest of God. He had dined with God and yet was quick to make an idol. He didn't even try to tell the people that they shouldn't forget the Lord who delivered them. As a leader, it's your prerogative to tell the people the truth and guide them to keeping it.

Moses was a meek man. God tells Moses that the people had turned away from serving God. God calls them Moses' people and offers to begin a new lineage of His children using Moses. Moses didn't get angry in front of God. He quickly became the intercessor for the people. He understood that God would have destroyed them however he saw an opportunity to stand in the gap for the wickedness of the people. Moses reminded God of the promises He had made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses knew that God is a promise-keeping God. God is looking for believers who will willingly stand in the gap for the world, for families, for corporations, and governments. During his intercession, God listens to Moses and relents from His position of judgement.

Moses had gone up the mountain with Joshua his assistant. Joshua was up there with Moses for 40 days and nights. No conversation is mentioned about him. He was just soaking. Learn to be still when invited to accompany a leader. Learn to study. Learn to soak in the presence of greatness. Study the methods of leadership to horn your own skills.

Moses descends from the mountain and is livid with the people. The intercessor who was meek before God arrived in the camp so angry that the tablets which were the work of God, written by God he broke. Anger can cause you to lose revelation. Moses was so angry he made the children of Israel drink a mixture of gold and water. In older medicine 'minute' levels of gold mixed with water are good for the brain. Did Moses know this? However, vast quantities of gold and water are poisonous. Was Moses so cross with the people that he sought to kill them. As a leader be firm against wrong, however, don't be evil in correcting people. 

Sin has consequences. This is one thing we seem to have forgotten today. Just because of God's mercy don't think that the effects of sin are forgotten. Moses had interceded for mercy and God had assured him that the responsible person or persons would face the consequences. He also gave the promise that He would visit the people and punish them for having forsaken Him. Was God merciful? Yes, He was. He initially wanted to blot them out however, Moses prayed and God didn't. Was God merciful, He was. He could have called fire from heaven and decimated the people for this sin. It's not that God was far. The people saw Moses go to meet God. They could see the appearance of fire where God was meeting with Moses and yet they sinned. Remember this Charles that every time you fail God is also watching not from far but near! 

God tells Moses that He won't go with the people but would send an Angel to go before them into the land. God assures Moses that He would drive out the inhabitants of the land.The people were sad that God had called them stiff-necked and wouldn't go with them as He would consume them for their sins. The people didn't just respond by frowning. They humbled themselves on instruction from God to take off every ornament. 

In the midst of this crisis, Moses sets up a tent where he meets with God. God would meet with Moses face to face.Again Joshua would accompany Moses however, he wouldn't leave the tabernacle while Moses would return to the camp. The building of greatness doesn't begin in the sight of all. 

In one of his seasons of communion with God Moses asks God to show him the way of the Lord. Moses asks not on the basis of his actions but on grace. Moses was a beneficiary of grace. May the grace of God enable me to see and walk in God's way. Moses also asks God that His Presence goes with him and the people. Moses didn't want to walk with an angel but with God. In a day and age where we see people praying for and to angels, Moses is an example we should learn from. Our greatest desire should be that the Presence of God goes with us everywhere. God tells Moses that His Presence would go with Moses and that Moses would have rest, a stillness that was lacking. The Presence of God gives us a stillness of spirit. To Moses, the Presence of God amongst the people was a sign of grace which God had told him he had found. May we walk with the Presence of God always.

Moses asks to see the glory of God. This is one request that has puzzled me many times. Here is a gentleman who has dined with God, meets with God face to face and yet he had a request to see God's glory. Never be content with the revelation of God that you have. Always maintain a hunger for more of God. Don't allow complacency to set in and kill your desire to know God. God responds by telling Moses to get ready to see His goodness pass before Moses. God would proclaim His name before Moses. Lord show me Your glory! Moses was to stand behind God and he would see ahead from the back of God. Imagine a child being carried on the back of a father, the child gets to see the road ahead clearly. I think one reason God didn't want to show Moses His face is that God would look at the past of Moses whilst God's desire was to show Moses the glorious future. Lord show me Your glory!!

God tells Moses to bring two tablets to replace the ones He gave Ex. 24:12. Learn to take good care of what God gives you. The price of getting back to that place is higher. Moses only brought the first tablets down, this time he had to carry a setup and bring them back down. These tablets would be written by Moses. 

Moses meets with God and God answers the prayer request to see His glory. God made a covenant to do wonders that hadn't been seen on all the earth. God not only would go with the people but would also manifest His power in a mighty way. God will do an awesome thing with me. God is not only a jealous God but His name is Jealous. No one else is to be worshipped but God.

An encounter with God will lead to upward. Meeting with God will cause your face to shine. Moses came from the mountain with his face shining. May every divine encounter cause our faces to shine. 

Memory verse: Ex. 33:18


Now, therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.”
So the Lord said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.”

And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.”

Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Ex. 33:13-19


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