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Drawn Out of Water

Day 17

Reading: Exodus 1:1- Exodus 4:31

Life is full of seasons. A new king comes on the scene and has no recollection of Joseph and was concerned that these immigrants had spread all over. The cycles of life, day and night, up and down, mean that we must learn to live in all seasons. Lord help me know the timing of every season in my life. The children of Israel didn't realise that their clock was set for the time to leave Egypt. However, in the midst of the oppression fruitfulness was manifesting in the children of Israel. May I always be fruitful in tough times. 

Abraham had been told by God that the children of Israel would reside in Egypt for 400 years Genesis.15:13-14. We aren't told if the children of Israel were reminded of this promise. We don't know of any prophetic voices sent to them however we are told of the sufferings. God may appear silent but He is working it out. Learn to recount to yourself the promises of God while waiting for the manifestation. 

In the midst of the change of seasons, the children of Israel moved from free people to slavery. Please note that even in tough times they still multiplied and increased. The church needs to understand that tough times are seasons of growth. Pharaoh must have been very cunning to get the people to move from a place of freedom to bondage. Be careful that life doesn't con you into slavery. Historians say that the children of Israel lost wealth to the Egyptians in this process of enslavement. However, in the midst of this God begins to move. 

God will always bless those who bless His children. The midwives feared God,  didn't want blood on their hands and instead chose to protect the children of Israel. God provided for them. May I always be a blessing to the household of God. 

The male seed has had a fight for survival from the beginning of time. The enemy understands what the male seed carries and will continually seek to destroy him. Pharaoh gave an edict to kill the boy child. When I look at society it appears as though this edict has gone out again. The boy child is in need of encountering the salvation of God. God, draw the boy child out of the water. God raise men who will bring the boy child out of the water.

Moses is born during this dangerous time. The mother fearing places the child in a makeshift baby carrier and by the grace of God, the child is spotted by royalty. I wonder what Pharaoh would have said to his daughter after she comes with the report of saving a Hebrew child after the edict to kill them. 

Moses grew up in two cultures. He was brought up in the Egyptian culture however his love for his people was evident. He saw himself as a leader and was protective of his people. However, don't take matters into your hands. Let God position you for destiny. When you do things in your strength men don't always appreciate however when backed by God they will respond. 

Moses fled and stayed in the desert a long while. During this time he undergoes a transformation. This transformation leads to a new man who is called by God and sent back to deliver the people. The transformation will open the way for divine encounters. 

Don't make excuses when God has an assignment. To make excuses is to deny yourself the ability to see the wonders of God. Moses wanted to rely on Aaron to speak for him, yet God needs total reliance on Him alone.

Moses asked a question everyone needs to know before embarking? Who is God? I AM. God is neither in the past or out there in the universe. He is I AM. This indicates that God is present and willing to be involved in our affairs. God introduced Himself to Moses with a name that was not restricted. He didn't just say I am a deliverer. Nope, God is I AM. So no matter the scenario I need God, God is I AM. Inside that name is every description of God. Learn to walk in the power of I AM. I AM speaks of the present God

Memory Verse: Ex. 3:14


Father, I thank You for Your love. You looked on my affliction and delivered me. I decree that I am being drawn from the waters of affliction. I decree today that I am stepping into total liberty and every hold of Egypt is broken. I decree that wealth is being restored back to me in greater measures. I decree that I am sent of God and will walk in the fullness of your glory as one sent by I AM. I decree that the word of God in my mouth is a rod in Your hands for manifesting the power of God. I decree that I am arising today from every hiding place and returning to the place of my assignment in Jesus name. Amen.


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