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Be Holy as God is Holy!

Day 31

Reading: Lev. 8:1- Lev. 11:47

The month of January ends today. Thank You Lord for Your mercies that have sustained me. I am looking forward to great days ahead. 

Start everyday by consecrating yourself to God. Learn to allow God to point areas that need to be consecrated-given- to Him. This is a daily walk where each day God will reveal more of Himself making one desire the need to grow into the fullness of what God has ordained. Moses would begin the process of consecration by washing the priests. Now I know why they say cleanliness is next to godliness. 

Consecration into the office of God's calling is to be taken seriously. Too many times we take our roles lightly in that we don't see ourselves as sent by God in those roles. Take each role with a heavenly perspective and the brevity of consecration will be easy. Consecration is not for bishops and prophets. Every person has a role and we should be consecrated into them. Every husband and wife should enter a place of consecration daily. Every employee, the business owner should consecrate themselves to God. View yourself as a priest daily in every endeavour. Aaron and his sons stayed 7 days in the Tabernacle as part of their consecration to God. Today, we barely want to pay the price because we have accepted a position that all has been paid which is correct, however, we need to exercise to become the fullness of what we are ordained to be. God was so meticulous in His ordinances that He expected the priests to be under the virtue of sobriety when serving Him.

After the process of consecration Moses and Aaron came out and blessed the people and the glory of God appeared to all. Charles, learn that before ministering to people, give yourself wholly to God and seek him. After this watch that as you bless the people the glory of God will appear to all. Not only did the glory of God appear to all the fire of God fell and consumed the burnt offerings. May the fire of God consume all of me.

The frailty of man is constantly shown in the bible. This frailty manifests in many ways. It shows how weak as mortal beings we are and the effect of sin working in us. Just after the period of consecration and the manifestation of the glory of God and fire falling from heaven two priests, Nadab and Abihu offered a fire that was a strange offering to God. The result was death. As I read this I asked myself how many times have I presented to God what is not His portion. How many times do we offer to God what is strange? How many times is our praise and worship a strange offering to Him may be because of how we do it? How many times did I present an offering to God and it wasn't right? What about preaching what He didn't order? Lord, I pray for mercy from the hand of judgement for offering strange offerings in Your name. 

God's response to Aaron's pain is one to always remember. I should view God as holy always. Never forget that. Approach God with the right perspective and frivolity will not be allowed in serving God. Secondly, God is to be glorified always. Don't serve God for selfish interests. Serve God to glorify Him before the people. Don't serve God for the applause of men. Let your service to God be to bring glory to Him only.

The Law also had a list of approved foods. Now I am not going to look for a gecko to eat however I find it interesting that God required this of the people. We may not understand those reasons today. As I read this I wondered if the scourge of diseases we are seeing today has anything to do with our eating just about anything. 

God expects we consecrate ourselves for we are to be holy as He is holy. God is looking at me and expecting to see Himself in me. He expects that as He is Holy, I am holy and allow holiness to be in all my relationships and dealings.  I am not to defile myself with anything here for my body is His. 

Memory Verse: Lev. 10:3


Father, You are Holy. I approach Your Throne in awe of Your Holiness and Majesty. I decree that my body is Yours. I consecrate my life, my all to You alone. Father, I pray that Your mercy will prevail over my life. May Your mercy cause a new dawn to fall on me. Heavenly Father let Your fire fall on me and consume all of me for Your glory. Lord light Your flame in all that is mine. You are the healing God. I dedicate my self to You Lord and as You are Holy I am holy. I decree that wherever I go the holiness of God pervades the atmosphere in Jesus name. Amen.


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