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God Speaks and Tests.

Day 6

Reading Gen. 20:1-Gen. 23:20

One of the joys of this new season is that God is constantly showing me that He is a speaking God. May God open my ears to hear Him continually. May my eyes also be open to see Him. We are introduced to Abimelech who takes Sarah and God immediately protected His own and defends Abraham by speaking to Abimelech.

May God speak to those who have anything that is mine. Abimelech defends himself not by justifying himself but by reminding God of the people he, Abimelech, was the leader over and that they were a people who were seen as righteous. Charles be the kind of leader that God will seek to leave in authority even when you are mistaken genuinely in your actions. 

Abraham was reprimanded by Abimelech, however, because of the instruction God had given Abimelech, Abraham left the place wealthy. There is a dimension of wealth that comes your way only as a result of God instructing people to give to you. This year get ready for governments, corporations, entities to receive divine instruction to release wealth to you. God doesn't release wealth for wealth's sake. It's not for my pleasure but worship to God. The wealth that doesn't add to the Kingdom of God is an idol and will soon fly away. There is a blessing that opens the land before you. Abimelech gave Abraham the choice of where to dwell as he understood that God's hand was upon him. 

Abraham acknowledged that he had done wrong. He didn't lie, he deceived. Deception no matter used how is wrong. As I read this portion of scripture my heart was convicted of the many times I have deceived others in the name of not revealing the full agenda. Better to walk in the light than a shadow of it. Abimelech only received healing when Abraham prayed. Learn to pray for others especially those who bring pain to a covenant carrier. 

Get ready for a visitation. The Lord visited Sarah as He had declared that at an appointed time He would appear. God does as He says. I have a responsibility to make sure that I walk in faith towards His promises towards me. When God fulfils His promise joy overflows bringing laughter. Charles, get ready to laugh. Your tears of pain are becoming tears of joy. All who hear of God's doing in your life will rejoice with you.

There is always a time for separating what is of the flesh and of the Spirit. As Isaac and Ishmael had to be separated, there comes a time when one has to choose between the path of the Spirit or carnality. Abraham had to kick out Ishmael, Isaac was the son of the Promise. You have to make the choice of who to follow. 

Don't despise the prayer of a child. God heard the prayer of the lady who was facing death. Learn to pray. Teach children to pray. And God opened Hagar's eyes. Lord open my eyes in the desert places of life that I may live! Sometimes in trouble, we can see the solution is just ahead of us. 

When God sets an exam it's because we have to move to a new level of maturity. One test God gives is the test of sacrifice. God desires to see what we are willing to sacrifice for Him. What you are willing to sacrifice reveals your heart posture to God. Many times this test reveals whether we are willing to walk the talk. Many times we hold on to the things God gives us and forget that if He asked for it back He is able to give back to us even more. The test of sacrifice seeks to show where your faith is. Are you steadfast in believing God or not. Abraham was full of faith, that even though God had asked to sacrifice his son, he would return with him; that God would even provide a lamb for the sacrifice. Learn to daily offer a sacrifice to God. Live a sacrificial life to God. 

God provides in the place He sends us. Abraham went to the place where He was instructed. Many times we cry to God to provide for us yet we are nowhere near the place God desires. Obedience to the voice of God leads to blessings. 

Abraham didn't believe in freebies. Freebies have destroyed many. Resolve within yourself Charles that you will always pay for your need. Gifts are good however when you need something pay the price even if it seems a token gesture. A gift may be reclaimed, what you pay for will be honoured as yours.

Memory verse: Gen. 21:6


Today, I decree and declare that God is my Protector. He protects me from every enemy and has designed the best for me. I decree and declare that from today those with my wealth are receiving divine instructions to connect it with me. I decree that my season of laughter is here. I enter my appointed time with God and will see the manifestation of every promise by God. I decree that I am a living sacrifice to God in Jesus name. Amen


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