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Vindicated by God

Day 11

Reading Gen. 34:1-Gen. 36:43

Many times our motives are not pleasant in the sight of God. Jacob's daughter is raped by  Shechem. Shechem then pleads with his father to help create a peaceful solution to his error. Shechem was innocent in desiring to marry Dinah, however, he didn't respect her. We live in a day and age where purity in marriage is disregarded. Sex before marriage is considered normal today, however, that is not God's standard. There is a need to examine ourselves of what is considered allowable but is not pure before God.

Shechem didn't understand that he had defiled a child of the covenant. I don't think he understood the power of a prophetic name on a covenant child. He was just mesmerised, enthralled, enchanted by this young lady and didn't have any patience or regard for order. God is a God of order. Principles reveal order. When submitted to the principles of God divine order follows our lives.

Dinah in Hebrew means judged, vindicated, justice. When Shechem committed this atrocity he didn't understand that he had just touched a person whose covenant would speak for them and make their name a reality to them. The more I thought about what happened and how it may appear that they received retribution for their actions the more I became aware that God also was not pleased that they took judgement into their hands. 

What would have been God's response if the sons of Jacob had not dealt with Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully? Don't deal with people in a deceitful manner. To the human mind, it comes across as being clever that one is not allowing the wicked to get away. However, in doing so God is relegated from avenging on our behalf. God is more than capable of defending His own. The question is are we willing to let God be God even when we feel we can deal with the wicked?

Jacob even in the land of promise that God had given to him was fearful. He feared the people. However, God will always circumcise our hearts to remove fear. The encounter at Bethel would be to remind Jacob that God was with him. The journey to the place of encounter sees God protect His people. A terror was on the people in the land as they went to meet with God. Note before they embarked on the journey they sanctified themselves. There is a need to remove any idol in my life and to walk before God in purity, in uprightness in God's righteousness. Check within yourself what may be an idol? Is it money? Social media? Or do you treat yourself as a god and forget that life is to be lived in submission to God. Lord daily send a terror to the enemy as I go about Your business in the land in purity and holiness.

God makes a covenant with Jacob and the covenant that Abraham and Isaac had regarding the land of promise and that God would raise a people through them is passed to Jacob. Like God changed the name of Abram to Abraham God confirms to Jacob that his name is Israel. Divine encounters lead to our name being changed. An encounter with God will change your reference. People may have referred to Jacob by his past however with the name change Heaven had changed that and started a new chapter in His life. 

Bethel is the House of God. Jacob had encounters in the House of God. The church is not a playground or social club. Its a place for transactions that bring change. Don't trivialise church. Yes, the church has lost its shine and it's not because of God but because of us the custodians. Father forgive me for where I have brought hurt in church.

Of all the sons of Jacob, he only named one, Benjamin. I have a responsibility to change any name that is of sorrow in my life. I am a child of God's covenant and thus cannot be named a son of sorrow. Immediately after losing his beloved, Rachel, he moves to a new place and his firstborn son, Reuben, commits incest by sleeping with the mother of two stepbrothers. 

In Gen. 36 we learn of Esau's children and how they ruled.

Memory Verse Gen. 35:11


I declare that God Almighty is my God. I serve and live for Him. I decree that I am blessed of God. I declare that my name corresponds to Heaven's agenda for me. I negate every name that is not of God. I repent of every form of deceitfulness that I have engaged in. I decree that I find mercy before God who is a God of mercy. I decree that I am not a child of sorrow but of God's right hand. I receive the grace to walk right in Jesus name. Amen


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