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A Personal Walk With God

Day 4

Gen. 12:1-16:15

One of the tragedies of believers today is their reliance on others to hear God. As I read this portion of scripture my heart was filled with the conviction that we have forgotten to train believers to walk with God. This made me reread the entire portion with a different perspective as we are introduced to the covenant of God with Abram which I am a partaker of. 

God instructs Abram to leave for a land that He would give to him. God is calling me to leave the land that I have dwelt in and move to the land He is giving me. 'Charles, as a child of Abram, the promise to be made great is yours.' God will make me great to be a blessing to the nations. Live, walk, think that God is making this a reality. Do whatever is required to make it a reality.Become what God has called you to be by transforming into the person who walks with the standards of God. 

When God's hand comes on a person even the enemy can smell that they are untouchable. Divine protection was what Sarai experienced considering that Abram and Sarai never consulted God about what to do in the famine in the land God spoke to them to go into. May God lead me back to the place of promise that He set for me. Wherever I have moved away may God bring me back, not broke and busted but with resources to be effective.

The promise God has given will lead to separation. Separation from those who may be close to you but are your greatest hindrances. Charles, I will sift your friends. For where I am sending you, get ready to build new relationships for many around you see with the natural and not by the Spirit. Don't despair that I will separate you, let wisdom prevail in every decision you make on relationships. 

Notice that after separation, when a lot leaves, then get ready for a divine encounter. Lot left and not Abram could lift up his eyes to see the land of the promise God had for him. Examine your heart to see if you are still carrying a lot that you should have left behind. 

God has promised that fruitfulness is my portion. God blessed Adam to be fruitful and Abram had to partake in this promise. As Abram was going to be used to bring forth a people for God, it's amazing that he had to contend with barrenness. Many times where God sends us we have to birth the grace of fruitfulness in all that we walk in. The dryness we encounter is simply to provoke our dependency on God. 

Abram was so resourceful that when he was told of his nephew's capture his militia went to war and prevailed. God was with him that he fought off kings. In a battle of four kings against five Abram prevailed. Get ready to go to war for family and to prevail over opposing forces. And like Abram, I will win and see my family set free from captivity.

I am blessed by God Most High the Possessor of Heaven and Earth. I believe with all my heart that I will possess my possessions. God expects and desires me to dedicate myself to Him and to look to Him and no one else as the Supplier of my needs. God can only make me when I am fully given to Him. God is My Shield and exceedingly great reward!! When I believe in God it is accounted for me. Faith credits my heavenly account. 

Don't allow common sense to be a vehicle for the manifestation of the promises of God as time seems to prolong the answer being seen. Abram so desired a child that he listened to his wife's common sense proposal. Learn to listen to the spirit behind every proposal you hear from people. Many ideas have led to an Ishmael. Lord have mercy on the many humanistic ideas I have listened to. Walk with the understanding that God is the One Who Sees. God sees every good and bad thing done to me. Keep walking, submit to God's counsel and wait to see His blessings.

Memory Verses: Gen. 12:1-3


I decree that I am walking with God and I hear Him clearly. I decree and declare that I am a child of Abraham and a recipient of God's promises. I decree that God is making my descendants a great nation; God is making my name great. I decree and declare that I walk under divine providence and protection. My eyes are lifted up and as I survey the land I possess it. I decree that God is my shield and exceedingly great reward. My hands are lifted to the Possessor of Heaven and Earth and will not be made rich by men as God is my Maker. I decree that the One Who Sees All has me on His radar. I am blessed to be a blessing in Jesus name. Amen.


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