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Showing posts from 2010

My Mind's Made Up

Life is a continual journey where we are making discoveries. Wisdom reveals that we are constantly discovering things about ourselves. Everyday in life we face questions that require answers. Some of these answers are not just yes or no. They are answers that require values to be in place to counter the force behind the question. I have come to understand that every question in life is an offer to a contract. No wonder, teachers taught us to think before answering a question in an exam. Life is an exam and I ain't about to fail this exam. Every exam requires one to have studied before if the result is to be excellent.To answer a question properly one requires to have the basic skills set required to take the exam. Your mind has to be made up in various respects of life if you are to excel in life.Core values have to be established if one expects to succeed in the exam of life. In looking at various successful people I have come to see certain core values that empower them to move ...

God where are you?

Every day we encounter situations that seem to ask one question regarding our beliefs. Going through life I have come to realise that it's easy to ask this question and waver. Everyday life poses questions that need answers. Speaking with friends recently we conclude that life's challenges seem to as ask one major question "God where are you?". This question is in various forms..."Is God real?"..."Can God do it?" Every challenge in life can either build or destroy you. If life's circumstances can challenge your thinking causing you to doubt your faith in God the result is tumultuous. It's imperative in life we realise that no matter how hard the winds blow in the storms of life God is real. In fact He is more real than the person next to you.  Why do I believe He is more real than the person next to me? Think about the following statements and am sure you will agree with me... He is the Creator...We may not see Him but we can see His hand...

Wow...Life is....

Life is not only filled with fun but many at time it's filled pain. Over the last few days and weeks in my interactions with friends, acquaintances and also myself I have known pain like never before. We are born in pain in fact right from child birth a cry and not laughter is recorded as our first sign of life. I wonder if the child cries because of the new environment they suddenly find themselves in. Is it not interesting that pain introduces joy? The travail of child birth soon becomes a joyous occasion where the pain is soon forgotten as the new born is celebrated. Dealing with the pains of life is a life long lesson. Interesting that we are born in pain and at death we deal with the pain of the loss suffered. The two ends of life are marked by pain.  Pain is a door to a new level of life. The question then is how do we walk this journey and yet remain sane in the midst of all the joy and pain? I think the key to life is balance. Being balanced will enable you to have perspec...

Who Am I?

Life is not just a journey towards a destination. It is a journey that is fraught with mountain tops and valleys, highs and lows. Life at times appears stagnant when one just seems to travelling in circles. Challenges in life have a way of making us lose our perception of who we really are. The blows of life are first aimed at our perception of who we are. Perception is critical in the way of life. When one loses their perception of what are the riches they possess ,the battles of life lead only to defeat. Life has been hard for many because of the recession and associated cuts by the different governments. How we perceive ourselves will affect how we come out of this fight. Recently, a student of law wrote to his dean of university requesting for a refund of his fees so that he returned to his  former career. The said student has his shares of challenges from debt to impending fatherhood. All valid reasons for him to slow down his pursuit of a better life and return to his previ...

From the Pit to Safety

The news about the miners rescue has filled the atmosphere with a real lever of optimism. What began as a sad tale has ended well. As I have followed this story over the last 69 days I have had a few thoughts about some of the symbolism of this whole experience. In life we all will find ourselves in a pit (mine) of some sort.Thus the decision to see what I could learn from these great gentlemen. Firstly, they were miners. Do you realise that we all are miners in life? You may not mine for copper but as a lawyer you are mining legal matters that bring you profit. You may be a doctor whose responsibility is to mine to the root of the issue that is troubling a patients body!! We all are mining for a living!!! The miners numbered 33. Jesus was 33 when He was buried. After He died He was buried before He arose. We saw 33 men come out alive. Talk about a resurrection in their lives and in the lives of the men, families, and nation. Each miner underwent change. Whilst in the darkness of th...

Trouble...has a purpose!!!

Adversity has a purpose. As I write, this I don't know of anyone who is not fighting trouble in one shape or form. It seems adversity is the middle name of many people. As I sat thinking, praying and wondering why, I came up with brief acronym which lists the purpose of A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y: A: Attitude- trouble has a way of either making you or breaking you. The thin line in between is called attitude. D: Draw closer to God- notice how trouble stirs you towards God. Trouble is a one way ticket to prayer and worship. V: Versatility- trouble will cause you to look for options. If your eyes weren't open trouble will cause you to open them and look around for solutions to the issue. E: Encourage yourself- people who survive major life scares are those who consistently maintain a positive image within themselves. Morning will always follow the night! Speak life not death. Don't allow a dearth of life to come into your vocabulary. R: Restoration- trouble is the darkness before a...

You Can Do It

The book of Genesis is replete with stories of men and women who faced impossibilities and yet saw them became possibilities. Look at Adam and Eve. Their son was murdered by his brother. God sends Cain away, but how is the earth to be populated? They had to have another son, Seth. May be your dreams lie dead and buried . May be you have lost everything, but I want to encourage you that you can start all over again and make it very well. Look at Abraham and Sarah. No child, but with everything else going for them. Yet at 90 she gave birth. Don't allow the world or anyone to speak death to your dream. Sarah laughed at 90 am sure amused at a God who didn't look at the age as anything to stop Him from giving Sarah her promise. It's never too late to achieve your dream. Jacob was conned by his father in law but refused to give up. Rebekah when childless refused to believe that she would be barren but held onto the covenant promise that she would mother mighty descendants for...

Breathe On Me

Where would one be without breath? Have ever been underwater for long enough to come up gasping for air!! Dying to breathe-what an anomaly of an expression , for what is not breathing is considered dead. How many times do we look at life's situations and wonder where the life is? May be your first part of the year was one saddled with lifeless situations that just made you despair. You may even feel life is really dead in certain quarters. I just want you to realise that as long as you are still alive that situation can become alive. In Genesis chapter 2 we meet a story of creation where God made man but until He breathed into him he was lifeless. Once God breathed into man He became a living soul.How do we deal with lifeless situations? Appreciate the little that you have, however little it is. Many times we complain about something and lose focus on the many other things that are working for us. Think about you may have many shoes to go to work and cant get a job but some one ...

Welcome Back

The second half of the year began officially today and wow isn't life moving fast !!. You may still look the same like yesterday but days are moving on. Football is the game on every one's lips because of the World Cup. A game of two halves, just like day and night, sunny and rainy, hot and cold, sickly and healthy, poor and rich... Life is about choices right or left!!! I want to encourage you that this latter half of the year will be brighter and better than the first half. For this to happen you need to understand certain things; Have faith in God. He also had to deal with darkness in the midst of His creation. He has done it before and is the Master Artist at getting over darkness. Speak the same language as the Artist, the Creator and Ruler of the Heaven and Earth. Unless you are in the same wavelength you cannot get the same results. Have the same mindset. To speak and not have the same mindset as God is to shot yourself in the foot. Move along. Gen 1 is about God speaki...

Get Ready

I have not blogged for the last 7 days for many reasons. One is because I felt a need to take time out and just recharge myself. Also I perceive that the spiritual atmosphere is changing. God is about to do something and I need to position myself for what He wants me to do. Divine opportunities fall onto those who are prepared. I have in the last few days had one word popping into my mind: ATTITUDE. I believe that there is an arising about to take place in many peoples lives. I believe that God's light is about to shine on those who have sat in darkness Micah 7:8-9 waiting on Him who enlightens the darkness Ps 18:28 because He is The Light. Your arising though will be affected by your attitude. The story of Jonah is one that touches me about the attitude to have when pursuing destiny. This gentleman choose to run away from God instead of obeying God. The story in the last chapter of the book of Jonah shows him complaining and being appreciative of God's mercy. Here was a man ...

I Will Make It

Many times in life we are constantly faced with decisions that require change. Adversity is part and parcel of life. One of the biggest challenges we face today is that the blows of life seem to be stronger and mightier by the day. While on the phone today I realised the importance of not just a good attitude in life but also the importance of maintaining the right perception. The battles we face in life are about our inner vision. Your vision is where do you see yourself going. What plan does God have you? What purpose were born for? Why are you here? You and I were not born to drift around. I was born to fulfill destiny. That destiny is to worship God. That is the ultimate reason for creation. To worship Him and Him alone. A distracted vision results in distracted worship. Distracted worship leads to a distracted heart, hindering the inner perception. You need the light of God to see His vision. You and I need to see life through the vision of God. It's only through the Word that...


You and I are living in exciting times. The day of God's glory and power is not only coming but it is upon us just as God through His prophets spoke. I believe that we are at the pinnacle of a mighty move of God. In every decade through history we see a move of God that advances the kingdom of God. You and I have a pivotal role to play as the days go by. We are not called to drift through life but to fulfill purpose. You and I are the writing of God that humanity reads as they go through life. I believe that I am to be the expression of God's manifestation wherever I go. I am a covenant product and have the forces of covenant working on my behalf. As I walk within the boundaries of the covenant I access the promises and blessings of the covenant of Abraham. Before God can do anything we must be ready. To prepare ourselves for what he wants to do requires a number of steps. Repentance: There is a call to repent and come to the place where we worship God and de-clutter our lives ...

Who Do You Choose To Know?

The world today is chasing knowledge at a rate that is incredible. Just the number of emails that are sent in a day from organisations inviting people to seminars as the proclaim to have some piece of knowledge that will empower shows that knowledge is in great supply. The way knowledge is used proves the old adage that knowledge is power is so true. For indeed what you know and what you don't could both be killing you. Daniel proclaims that there are benefits of having knowledge. Hosea declares that people perish for lack of knowledge. Not knowing having any working knowledge for a problem area leaves one in further trouble. Since it is accepted that knowledge is powerful, which knowledge should I pursue? God has always desired to have people who are seeking to have knowledge that is from Him. did you know that many inventors were men and women of faith. Sir Isaac Newton considered by many one of the greatest scientists that ever lived, the man behind the laws of mechanics and gr...

Set Apart

Days are really moving fast. It's the beginning of a new month. As we began this month today in our 90 day bible adventure we move into a new book, namely Daniel. The first chapter of this book lays a foundation that sets the pace for the entire book. Daniel and his friends were captives who were selected to serve under the King of the day. They were far from home and were suddenly thrust in the palace for training on the ways of their masters. There are two main things I want to point out from the first few verses of Daniel 1. Firstly, notice that Daniel had a name change but he is not referred to by that name. Amazingly his friends took on the names they were offered. Could this be the reason that Daniel who name means " God is judge" served many kings in a position of seniority? Yes his other friends also served in senior positions but Daniel was soon considered wiser that all the wise people who advised the king. Daniel refused to have his identity changed. He unders...

Change is Coming

Everyone human being has a need for fulfillment. Part of that need is expressed by the desire to succeed in life. Another expression of the need is seen in our desire to be loved. Another way we seek fulfillment is found in our passion for betterment. We are born to solve problems and not remain in the same place. Eze 37:1-14 is one of the greatest passages of scripture. This few verses are replete with life. These scriptures reveal the mind of God regarding a situation that is not just dead but one that is forgotten. For 2010 to be a success I believe this passage has some keys that will aid our focus in our walk towards victory. Firstly, understand that God has ordained you as you step into the situation that is a valley in your life. No matter what you are dealing with, the Spirit of God is upon you. In Gen 1:2 we see that even though darkness covered the earth, the Spirit of God was hovering prepared to move when called into action! Here in the valley of dry bones it is similar t...

The Watchman

You and I have unique calls to serve God. God has by design made us different and unique. You and I are called to pursue God whatever your calling or purpose. In the midst of the call or destiny that God has ordained for you and I He has set us as watchmen. Prayer is what enables one to communicate with God. Prayer is another avenue of engaging God. Prayer is God's chosen method of relationship building. Whether you are a plumber or a pastor, a councillor or counselor, an usher or the choir leader, we all have a responsibility to pray. It's in the place of prayer that miracles are wrought. Prayer enables one to wrestle and prevail thus establishing the dominion of God. Prayer is the place of communion with God. There are different levels of prayer. One dimension of prayer that i believe Ezekiel was challenging us not to forget was the watchman's dimension in prayer. You and I have a responsibility to pray not just for ourselves but for those around us. We have a duty to wat...

And It Came To Pass

This year I have purposed to walk with God like never before. I am determined to hear God more than ever. The bible says Enoch walked with God Gen 5:24. His walk with God and the results were unique. The bible showcases how different people walked with God. Those who were intimate saw the supernatural as normal, yet those who were casual in their approach to God did not see God to a depth that was possible. A commitment to walking with God is the first sing of hungering for the purposes of God that causes one to walk in the supernatural. Why seek the supernatural? Its the only way to achieving God like results. As I went through my day today I kept hearing that the night is over, the day is here!! The storm is over, you are turning a new page. As I thought about this I realised that I had no reason to come up with the statement that some would agree with but question the timeline. I believe that my night is over today not tomorrow or another day but NOW!!! The Word of God is clear tha...

Cause For Hope

Everyday we read or hear of someone who gave up on life. I have come to realise that people who give on life have lost hope. With the pressures that society has today it is easy to lose hope. Hope is the fuel that moves our love activating faith. Without hope, life is useless. The book of Lamentations not only records the cries of Jeremiah but in the middle of this book is a discourse on hope. I have always known that God is faithful but while studying this book I discovered a new reason not to give up. My hope tank was today refilled as I thought about hope and here is why Lam 3:19-26, 31-32, 40-41 : God's mercies protect me ensuring that I am alive even though things sometimes don't seem to be working right. The compassion of God can never fail. The foundation for mercy is compassion and this foundation cannot be shaken whatever the earthquake one is facing. God's compassion is fresh on a daily basis. God has a new store of compassion everyday. God's faithfulness is u...


As I have been reading and listening to the bible one word has stood out today, "Behold". This word simply calls out. It just simply puts a stop to whatever was said before. Behold!!! Indeed be hold!!! Life at times needs a a behold moment. When life just does not make sense we need a behold moment. As I thought about 2010 I heard the word behold ministering to me. Let me make an announcement to you, behold 2010 will be great!! Don't think that your tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. Life will not be the same because you and I are living in a behold moment before God. The Word declares that my Redeemer is strong. As I read the book of Jeremiah I have come to realise that God will not allow my enemies to triumph over me. Life may look unfair when the enemy is holding you captive, but guess what God will not allow this forever. No evil is permanent. God will always pardon and turn around the circumstances of His people. It is for this reason that I am glad that my God ...

A Turn Around

As I read the bible I have come to realise that God has entrusted me with the potential to succeed. Many times in the journey of life we encounter situations that are akin to captivity. Life sometimes just takes a turn when all seems to be working out. Sometimes we are the cause of the trouble that is troubling us. Throughout the history of the children of God, the seed of Abraham, they have seen captivity many times. The main reason behind their captivity has been disobedience to the Word of God. The covenant God established with His children is one that protects from the enemy when fully complied to. A thorough reading of Deut 28 reveals the blessings that result from obedience to the Word and also the curses that follow disobedience. The book of Jeremiah reveals a time where captivity became the norm as they exchanged gods and forsook the God of Abraham and choose idols. One thought has being playing on my mind all day. What have I allowed to take the place of my God? Is there any...

The Plan

We are aware that to live life without a plan is to plan to fail. It follows that planning is key to success. Any event without a plan, normally called a program, leads to chaos. A program is usually a collection of thoughts that reveal the plan. A plan enables order to reign. A plan may also be called a road map to a destination. I have repeatedly written it and will continue to emphasis that the Word of God is the best road map to permanent success. God is not only to be called upon during a crisis. He is interested in you and I at all times. You were created for a purpose. Only a plan can enable you to fulfill the purpose for which you were created for. In the book of Jeremiah we see God revealing His thoughts regarding our lives. His intention is clear. God's mind regarding our lives is that we are to abide in peace, in health, hope and wealth Jer 29:11 . It is clear that the thoughts of God toward me are for my good. Is it any wonder David says that he would have lost heart u...

Who Is In Control?

Everywhere you go today the question of who is in control is all over the airwaves. Are you in control of your finances, home, business, marriage, relationship or even self? Practically everywhere one turns today you will find people coaching, teaching, preaching, training, talking, writing, blogging about being in control. Great topic but I have serious questions with the foundation of alot of what people are saying. The Word of God is clear that God is the Potter we are the clay. Life is to be lived in accordance to what the Potter wants. Control is in the hands of the Potter. Is this not the reason David said that power belongs to God? He stated that he heard this twice not once Psalms 62:11. The Potter decides what shape the clay takes. The clay does not instruct the potter what shape it will take. when the process Too many of us are telling the Potter what shape we want. Prayer has become a monologue where the Potter is treated like a servant with instructions of what we want. No ...

I Am Called

Many times we face situations that cause us to doubt our identity. We are faced with onslaughts everyday that if not attended to can easily lead to a disheartened posture towards life. Life was not meant to be a place where we drown!! Life is a place for us to display the glory of God. Life is a place for me to show forth the goodness and mercy of God. As we continue on the bible reading challenge we today begin Jeremiah. The first chapter sets a scene of the God's calling and ordination of this prophet. From the conversation that God has with Jeremiah, certain truths are set forth that am I am willing to embrace. Firstly, I am called and ordained of God. My calling is not man-made but originates from the mouth of God. No one, nothing in life can change the fact that God has called me. I am ordained of Him for Him by Him. Secondly and importantly, my ordination was not decided when I showed up on mother earth. God had me in mind before creation. No life situation can overcome what ...

The Final Arbiter

Whose report will you believe? My mind is made up that I will hold the Word of God as the final arbiter of life. The bible is a collection not of fables but it's laden with promises that reveal the mind of God. The bible has not just promises but also shows us the history of God's intention for mankind. As I have been reading the bible I have come to see God's love and mercy towards humanity. I want to list reasons why you should have the bible as the final arbiter of your life. The Word of God is creative. The Word of God is powerful. The bible contains promises that are an invitation of God. The bible is an offer that elevates us from bondage to liberty; subscribe to it. The bible reveals the thoughts of God that are life transforming. The Word of God is prescriptive providing healing. The Word of God is a map of the future; describing our destiny. The Word of God reveals the ways of life that empower us to possess destiny. The Word of God is the best food for the soul, ...

Fear Not!!!

Everyone has a dream, and I mean everyone!! Dreams or aspirations come in different sizes. The issue is not the dream but that with every dream we encounter hurdles, or obstacles or challenges towards their fulfillment. Every dream is achievable if one is dogged to pursue it. To achieve the dream one has to break it down into goals that are steps towards fulfilling the big dream!! The greatest hindrance to fulfillment is FEAR . Fear is not out of the blue. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. You see when you focus on facts that are not the truth the feeling of impending danger becomes more real.Truth sets one free. A lie creates fear. The only healthy fear is the fear of God. Any other fear should be questioned as its results are not wholesome. The Word of God is truth waiting to free anyone who meditates on it. The Word of God empowers one to walk from the place of fear to freedom. Fear is broken by knowing the truth intimately. Meditating on truth results in being set free. When t...

I See Great Days Ahead

I am preparing for the greatest times of my life ahead. One may say that I am being audacious in my declaration of my future, but I am simply convinced and obsessed by the Word that greater days lie ahead. The foundation of stability for the road ahead is in wisdom and knowledge. For one to see God's promises come to pass you will need to have God's insight to possess the future. One great treasure we must seek after is the fear of the Lord. I do believe that I am in the generation that will see the glory of the Lord revealed. Get ready to see the valley raised, the mountain levelled, the crooked path become straight, and the rough places of life become smooth. Get ready to see God in all his power. For too long the Church has not seen the power of God. We are about to see the demonstration of the power of God for behold He shall come with a strong hand to establish His authority. God is about to display His Kingdom is ways never seen before. But who will see His power in this ...

It Came To Pass

We live in very exciting times.Not only is the world convulsing-earthquakes, wars, storms- but peoples lives tend to be unsettled quite easily. People have many concerns that add to the tension that life already is. We find that the daily rat race that society finds itself in does not have a cure for the problems ailing humanity. One thing I have come to appreciate is that God's plan is the best no matter the path one has to take to accomplish the will of God. One thing that I find disrupts many peoples lives today is that their faith in the Word of God is almost non-existent. Today it easier to believe a fellow human being than the Maker of Heaven and Earth. It's easier to seek a friend than to chase the Creator of the universe. We spend more time studying about others and cant find time to meditate about the thoughts of God contained in the bible. Without faith in God and in the Word of God life is a tragedy. I live an assured life because God has promised that what He has th...

The Call

The success of 2010 is dependant on me and not the environment. Many times we live life through the eyes of "if" but I have been convinced that that is not the case when certain criteria is fulfilled. I pray that as you go through the year you will pursue destiny with a passion to see your destiny fulfilled. I find the book of Isaiah very interesting. This is one book that I find very encouraging. We begin by encountering God's call to reason with Him. The call of God is to enable one to come to the place of promise. 2010 will be a majestic year for those willing and obedient to the purposes and intentions of God. I believe that without willingness and obedience one cannot enter into the plan, purpose, or destiny that God has planned for us. In the midst of this we see Isaiah undergo a very personal moment. Not only was he already functioning in his place of calling but in Isaiah 6 we see a moment of transformation. As I read these words it became clear to me that God is ...

Book of....

My steps I believe are ordered of God. I believe that God had a reason in placing me on mother nature at a time as this. Studying history one may wonder how living in times gone by we may have fared but am glad I am alive today. I believe I have a purpose and reason to be alive today. I also believe that the Word of God is the best compass to show the way to the destination that we all seek. In the book of Ecclesiastes we encounter Solomon through observation giving advise to everyone on the value of life. Not only does he recount that vanity of vanity all is vanity but he concludes that the whole purpose of man is to fear God and to keep His commandments. Life is lived in seasons. Solomon makes it plain and clear that to everything there is a season. The most important thing about this is knowing the mind of God to enable you to tap into the season that God has ordained for you. God lives outside time. Humanity lives in time. God has placed eternity within our hearts, giving us the a...


Observation empowers one with understanding. History is said to be a greater teacher only when lessons learnt by others are observed and not repeated. Observant people are those who are willing to be students in life. The world teaches that "experience is the best teacher" but am grateful for a mentor who taught me " The experience of others is a better teacher". Learning from others experiences requires observational prowess that cultivates wisdom. As one reads through the book of Proverbs many proverbs were derived from observation. For me one question I asked myself is how can my 2010 be better as I read through some animals that were observed by the wise man of old. The ant teaches me to be prepared. Preparation opens the door of opportunity. Preparation lays the foundation for which success is built upon. The rock badger is an industrious animal that is found in rocks. It is found there so as to be away from predators, wind and rain. Hiding in the Rock will pr...

The Blessing

Everyone wants the best. Everyday I see people striving to achieve something. The rat race in the western world has made people strive to achieve their dreams at any cost. We all want comfort in this life and many are willing to do anything to achieve success in life. My query with this approach is that many times God is not in it. Success without God is temporal resulting in a facade. Success is wrought by people who have obtained the blessing of God. The blessing of God has the following results to list but a few: It empowers one to achieving success. Enables one to be a blessing to others. Divine abilities are released through the blessing. Your perception is different. When God breathed into man he became a living being. The blessing brings life. The blessing creates your prophetic destiny. The blessing separates you from the rest. The blessing opens the doors that seem shut for others. The blessing grants favour. Pursue the blessing of God and watch Heaven back you in everything y...


Life is unbearable when lived foolishly! Life without wisdom is not life but misery. A friend once told me that the key to life is found in the pursuit of wisdom. Today mankind is consumed with the pursuit of knowledge. Your salary may be determined by being clever but wealth belongs to the wise. Yet we see many people who have aced their academics but have failed in life. I may not be very advanced in age but one thing I am sure is that wisdom is the key to life. The book of Proverbs is a compilation of the wise words of Solomon. In reading the first few chapters we meet encounter the phrase "Wisdom is the principal thing Prov 4:7a". Wisdom is the right application of knowledge. The proper understanding of facts-knowledge- opens the door to wisdom. Wisdom elevates one above the norm. Wisdom has the potential to lift one from the storms of life catapulting one into a trajectory of destiny fulfillment. Wisdom has the power to break any barrier one may encounter. Wisdom is the ...

Shortest, Middle and Longest.

Life can be viewed through many angles. Every view point may not be plausible to everyone but everyone is entitled to a view point. The Bible is a record of God's view point for life. I find that the bible writers offer you and I an opportunity to see how God desires to relate with us. The bible is God's view point revealed to us through many people. In the Psalms, we find three consecutive chapters that are peculiar. In Psalms 117 we have the shortest psalm in the bible, two verses. Not only does it give praise to God but I find it interesting to who it is written to: the Gentiles. This psalm is not written to a few but to the majority. Praise is not for the few but for the majority!! Did you know where the middle verse in the bible is found? Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man." I find it amazing that the middle of the road with God is to put your trust in Him. The essence of God's heart for human is that we place our tr...

The Key

The Word of God is filled with instructions that open the pathway of fulfillment. Everyday I meet people who are seeking for answers to life and are not willing to follow the prescription of the Word of God. The Psalms are not only a record of songs sang at various points of the lives of the authors but they are also filled with prophetic promises. They also serve as teaching notes of different aspects of God. With this in mind I will list the 5 reasons why it is important to bless God. He forgives all my iniquities. There is no sin to big for God. He heals all my diseases. There is no sickness that God cannot heal. He redeems my life from destruction. God sets me on the right path giving me cause to bless Him. He crowns me with lovingkindness and mercy. He satisfies my mouth with good all the time. With these 5 reasons I will enter the gates with thanksgiving and into the courts with praise. The reasons not only give me cause to bless God but also show me the all encompassing mercy an...


Human beings are either givers of praise or pursuers of praise. We find today in society that mankind is either seeking the praise of men or giving praise to whom it belongs. Just like a railway line humanity is in two camps that run parallel to each other. I use the psalms to help me maintain my focus on praising God always. I believe that we are made to praise God always. The psalms are the best expressions to help us in developing and living a lifestyle of praise. Why did God call David a man after my heart? Praise. David was a man who understood the power of praise. God inhabits the praises of His people. Praise creates an atmosphere for God to operate in. To be self-centred is to deny the opportunity for God to show up in our lives. Make 2010 a year that is filled with praise to God. Let your mouth be filled with His praises. Extol God wherever and whenever and see how He turns situations for you.

Get Praising

The Psalms encourage us to be a people of covenant. As one reads the psalms one discovers that they are filled with promises for life. I encourage you to search the scriptures for the promises that God has made for you in the Psalms and see what greatness lies within. One such promise is to be still and know that God is God!! As you walk through 2010, it's important you maintain knowledge of who God is. To walk about life without knowing that God is with in control is to open your life to lies of the enemy. Whatever circumstances you are facing understand that God is in control. That is why God could command rain, speak to a rock for water to flow, etc. No matter what you are facing God is in control. Another promise is that He crowns the year with His goodness. God does this because everything belongs to Him. The reason 2010 will be great and awesome is because God has crowned it. A crown is a distinction that comes from great achievement. This year we will have great crowning mom...


Everyday is one is faced with choices. We find today that we are faced with a choice as to whether we will give thanks or complain. A good attitude enables one to make a good altitude in life. Ever noticed that when one complains they don't move forward. No one ever wants to be around a person who is labelled a complainer. The Psalms are excellent in building an attitude of thanksgiving within one. This is one book that records different scenes in life of David. They are filled with promises of God's faithfulness, His provision, protection, and grace. They also teach us principles of life that will enable one to be all that God has ordained. Using the psalms even in prayer will give greater insight. Many of the psalms are actually prayer being made. One of my favourite psalms is Psalm 37. It's filled with promises that that speak into our lives.Trust, delight, commit are words that require us to be committed to the purposes of God. The result is that we enter into the place...


2010 is a year of restoration. I have not met anyone who is not looking forward to a glorious year ahead. We may be on day 8 out of 365 days but rest assured I am not diminished in my expectation that this year will be great, awesome, glorious, joyous, filled with celebrations, ground breaking, fulfilling, overcoming... the best I have ever had. Many people talk of the suffering of Job, few ever speak of the double restoration that he received. I have made up my mind that in 2010 I will experience restoration in any area of life I have suffered. If God could do it for Job, then please move out of the way because I am next in line for God's blessing. What does one need to do to see the results that Job saw? Firstly, make sure you have a relationship with God that is based on the right perspective. When your view is obscured you cannot make the right decisions. Ask yourself if you are walking with Him., the Creator of the Universe. Change your view of God from the punishing God to t...