The days ahead will be awesome, wondrous and glorious days but only to those who choose to follow God wholly. As we come to the end of 2011 and enter a new season called 2012, my heart is concerned that many others and even myself may not see the fullness of what God has planned. You might wonder why I have included myself, but that is because I also have to pay the price if I want to win the prize allotted for me in 2012. I have made the choice to pay the price to succeed in all areas of endeavour. One key to victory that will separate those who succeed from the rest is the ability to listen and hear God clearly. The days of depending on someone to hear God for you are over. God desires relationship with us but unfortunately we have relationships with everyone and everything else apart from our Creator. Even when we say we have a relationship with Him too many times we have shallow relationships with Him that cannot sustain the new season we are about to enter. Too many of us kno...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.