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Showing posts from 2011

Keys to Victory

The days ahead will be awesome, wondrous and glorious days but only to those who choose to follow God wholly. As we come to the end of 2011 and enter a new season called 2012, my heart is concerned that many others and even myself may not see the fullness of what God has planned. You might wonder why I have included myself, but that is because I also have to pay the price if I want to win the prize allotted for me in 2012. I have made the choice to pay the price to succeed in all areas of endeavour. One key to victory that will separate those who succeed from the rest is the ability to listen and hear God clearly. The days of depending on someone to hear God for you are over. God desires relationship with us but unfortunately we have relationships with everyone and everything else apart from our Creator. Even when we say we have a relationship with Him too many times we have shallow relationships with Him that cannot sustain the new season we are about to enter. Too many of us kno...


While thinking of the times we are living in, everyone has a choice to make going forward. It's a choice that will determine the outcome of our lives in 2012.We live in days that have been described by some as the darkest ever in many fronts. Isaiah, the prophet, spoke of darkness covering the earth and gross darkness the people but commanded the children of covenant to ARISE as the Lord would arise over His people Is 60:1-2 . How should we as God's children then arise? A: Attentively . When soldiers are called to arise it's never at ease unless   instructed. Don't go into 2012 standing lazily, but be attentive in your posture to possess that which God has for you. Pay heed to opportunities that lie ahead. R: Ready . Be ready to move to the next level. Don't go into 2012 choosing to remain the same but have it in mind that you are moving forward. Kangaroos only move forward never hoping backwards no matter the circumstances. I: Instruction . Be willing to listen ...

End Well

As the year is drawing to a close it's important that we end the year well. I don't mean by splashing out a party or some expensive function to mark the end of the year but one needs to take stock of the year and end it well. The best way and I believe the right way to end the season is to be grateful.  One of the biggest plagues devastating humanity is called "Complainotitis"-just coined that word to describe the attitude of a complainer. Today some people will complain about everything, everyone, anything and anyhow; no wonder we have many ungracious characters. Listening to some people describe their year will make you realise that many are downright ungrateful for everything.  I have made a choice and that is to be thankful for everything. As 2011 is slowly winding down I have decided that I will enter 2012 with a grateful heart enabling me to be gracious. I am grateful I am alive; am thankful I am healthy, living, working, walking, talking, and once again livin...

Great Expectations

As the year is drawing to a close many people are already thinking about 2012. I don't know about you but I have great expectations for next year. I know that sounds funny considering the doom and gloom filling the news media and many people's lives but I have made the choice to paint a different picture in my life with the imagination I have.  I am not forgetting that the economy is having massive contractions; that am growing younger or older to some and many challenges lie ahead. I just have made the choice to believe God that 2012 will only be great and glorious. My choice is not based on flaky feelings or lopsided mental instability if there is such a thing. My choice to believe that 2012 is a year to be carried with great expectations is based what the bible says.  Moses stood in the desert and asked to see God's face. In a place of nothing but sand God showed Moses a path ahead of him filled with nothing but goodness. Your life may seem like a desert right now but ...

Where's Your Focus?

While travelling recently I heard a lady say that she reads the horoscope every day but does not believe in it. Listening to her try to explain that even though she thought that her day would be ruined if she didn't read the horoscope and also say that she didn't believe in horoscopes or astrology made me realise that many times we are confused about what we believe and its power over our lives. Many today are seeking for direction in life; more are seeking for appreciation and a pick me up either in coffee or in words spoken to them at the start of the day. As I thought about the lady and her denial about her beliefs I began to think about the many times we read the bible and don't believe it. The same attitude this lady was displaying can be found amongst many believers today. As I sat to examine myself I realised that many times in life our hearts get congested with the rigours of life and as a consequence we lose focus.  Loss of focus leads to sinking, especially when...

God's Not Through With Me!!

Many times while walking on this journey of life we look at our lives and wonder where we are headed to. While speaking with many friends I kept hearing the words 'am tired of this or that'. We are tired of working hard and seemingly going nowhere. The storms that are raging in the world are not only political or economic but every fibre of life is experiencing a shaking.  I have used the Word of God to encourage myself constantly whenever I am faced with challenges. As I have continued to read and listen to the Word of God I have understood why Paul said that the reason he could face the future boldly was because he was confident and full of trust of God in whom he had committed his all to (2 Timothy 1:12) . Paul understood that God was in control of everything and that even when things didn't seem favourable God would work them out in his favour ( Romans 8:28 ).  I want to encourage anyone and everyone who may think that life is just not happening for them as they desir...


The year is coming to an end; somehow the end seems closer than ever. Days just seem to be flying and as a friend told me life is moving faster than the speed of light. Recently, I woke up with the thought of what do I need to do to succeed in the coming year. Many have began planning for the glorious days they desire to see ahead but all the plans will be of no use without this one key, namely PREPARATION. Every chef will tell you that the secret to an excellent meal is in the preparation of the ingredients. Preparation is the key to successful execution of plans not just in the kitchen of a Michelin restaurant but even in life. As one prepares to enter the new year preparation will take many forms. One very important aspect of this will be the closure of matters that can easily be a distraction going forward. One cannot plan properly without closing matters that need to be put away in 2011. Don't allow the issues of the past to hinder your future Isaiah 43:18-19 . As you prepare...

Live Lovingly

Living in any part of the world will present challenges that either make or break us. Challenges are to be overcome not sustained. Every challenge in life will require a key to unlock the door of breakthrough. I have discovered that no matter the challenge one is facing there is one thing that everyone needs, namely love. Love and not the Hollywood sensationalism that the world craves; but the God kind of love that defies all odds is what we all need. The God kind of love gives all when there seems to be nothing; this love is willing to lay down ones life for another person's good. I have discovered that anything is possible for those who love wholly. Not only is anything possible but there is a joy that living life lovingly produces that you cannot buy anywhere. We are not called to live selfishly but selflessly in a loving manner. I will close with the words of one who gave His life that we may have eternal life and not just an earthly life. "There is no greater love than ...

The 11th Hour

For many today we are in the eleventh hour in many areas of life. In footballing terms for many people the the game of life is nearly over; in fact we are playing what we call injury time. It seems as though only a miracle will save anyone from defeat. As this month begins flood your heart with the possibilities if God. Get ready to see mountains move as you speak God's language of faith Mark 11:22-23 . Part of the reason life is not moving is because our hearts are not filled with faith. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks Matthew 12:34 implying that our hearts are the nerve centre of what we say. As we are aware our faith filled words will move mountains but only if the heart is full of faith. Paint your mind and heart with pictures drawn from the living Word of God. Remember nothing is too hard for God Jeremiah 32:27 . God created the universe including you making any challenge insignificant in its power to defy God. 

What Are You Syncing With?

Recently everyone with an iPhone had to sync their phones to download the latest operating software for the phone that would enable the phone to operate at a higher capacity than before. As I was syncing my phone recently I realised that many times we cannot access the future because we are not syncing properly. Before I could sync my phone I needed to download the latest software for my computer and phone. I realised that if I wanted to enjoy the full capacity of the phone I needed to download the required software how much more in life. Everyday as a Christian one must learn to sync their heart with the operating system that is from God. Paul told the church that transformation is only through renewing the mind Romans 12:1 . Not syncing your life with the Word of life will result in you remaining in darkness for the Word of God is light Psalms 119:105 . At creation when faced with nothing but that which was formless all God did first was speak Light into being. He who is Light gave ...

God's Love

Everything we have in life is because of God's love towards us. Many times we are frustrated in life because we don't understand that God's love has settled every issue in life. Faith becomes easy to understand and walk in when you understand that God's love has already provided His goodness and mercy to you and I. Every promise and blessing of God is based on His love. I made a choice to love God not for what He has done or will do but because of who He is. It is because of who God is that He has done great things for you and I. We get frustrated in life because as human beings we love because of what we can get whereas we should love because who God is. Loving God for who He is makes loving Him easier and enjoyable. You and I must walk in life knowing that there is nothing that can separate me from His love. God's love is so powerful that hard times, trouble, sickness, failure, success, prosperity, growth, people, environmental factors, economic factors, physi...

Your future is bright!

The bible begins by declaring that God created the universe before telling us how darkness covered the earth. The story doesn't end there but God begins to speak light and life into being. Your life may so far appear to be like Genesis 1:1-2 but am glad that God set up a template of what would happen anytime darkness seemed to envelope our lives. He spoke into the darkness and said " Let there be light Genesis 1:3 "; words that are still echoing even today. You and I are not boxed in by the circumstances we face. You and I have the capacity to transform our environment using the God given authority that is inherent in us. At creation God decided that humanity would be made in His image and likeness( Genesis 1:26-28 ). Being made in the image and likeness of God makes me a copy of the Creator of the Universe. If He spoke into darkness and light covered the earth then as one made in His image and likeness I should speak into every form of darkness covering my life and see...

Hold On

Dear Friend, I noticed that your smile was jaded and that you were exhausted. Life has not been easy for you over the last few months. It seems to have been a slog over the last few months and yet the sun doesn't seem to be shining over your life. I know it feels like you are in a dark tunnel that doesn't seem to have an end right now. I do realise that you are not only positive but very optimistic that all will be well. I just want to encourage you to hold on. I read a story of a gentleman who was a prisoner of war for years on end. He survived but many didn't and when asked what made him different he said it was because he settled it in his mind that the end of this matter would be good news for him. He was not only optimistic but he held onto the faith that he would overcome in the end John 16:33. Don't let lives storms take the smile out of your life; the storms should only make you stronger and better. Always remember that in life every situation is not eternal ...


I hope by now you are not bored with my acronyms as I just couldn't resist this one. As you can gather from the title I am on holiday in the beautiful country called Kenya. What is a holiday? H: Healing - a holiday is a time for healing. As you go through life a holiday allows you to recuperate from the battles of everyday living.  O: Order - a holiday allows you to see where order is needed. Spring cleaning is simply placing order where disorder is.  L: Leave - a holiday allows you to leave things that consume us and take us from the place where life flows freely and unhindered from the everyday dealings that sometimes clutter our minds making us ineffective. I: Inspiring - a holiday enable you to find fresh focus on the dream or purpose one is pursuing. D: Development - a holiday helps develop perspective. When you look at something from outside the box you see with a better view. A: Attitude - a holiday breathes fresh air into our lives which gives wings to the dream. Atti...


This journey of life was never to be a lonely experience. I keep find it amazing that in a world population fast approaching 7 billion finding a friend is an issue. As I sat sharing with a friend who just experienced a painful disheartening breakup, I constantly kept asking myself what has humanity defined a friend as. With this in mind I began to realise that unless you define a friend you wont know your friends. Who then is a friend? F: Fellowship - a friend is a fellow on the same ship one may be travelling on. A friend is someone who decides to join you as you sail through life. Job had friends who sat with him through his travail; whether right or wrong they were there and Job was not lonely. R: Relate - a friend is one whom you can relate with. The main reason for divorce is now a drifting apart, which is caused by not relating. I: Inspiring - a friend is one who inspires you to live life to the max. A friend encourages you to see above the the dark clouds of challenges in life....


Walking through this journey of life we have many companions. One companion we all encounter and is either a friend or foe is called PAIN. In the highway of life we will always travel through mountains and valleys in whose midst we meet with pain. We are born in pain, live life seeking to limit pain, and our passing on causes pain to someone. Even Jesus was not immune to pain as the cruxification was nothing but pain. There are many things we can say about pain are is just a few more. P: Personal - Pain is always personal. Ask the mother about child birth, the husband watches and sees the pain but only the mother feels the physical anguish of child birth. Ask the person whose heart has just been broken and their pain is truly evidently personal. A: Agonizing - Anyone who has been in pain knows that pain can however short or long it is it will cause one to agonize. This aspect of pain fuels prayer touching the hearts of both the Hearer and bearer. I: Incidental - Pain is not a constant...


Everyday we go through situations that seem to rock the boat of life and knock the breath out of us. In my studying the bible and biographies of great people I have come to discover one quality they had; namely PASSION. On a daily basis I have discovered my passion for the purpose I was created for is under attack. I have to make every effort to maintain my passion that I may fulfil my purpose. What then is PASSION? P: People lover -Passionate people have people's lives at their centre. A genuine love for people fuels passion. A: Attitude - Passionate people have the right attitude towards life that is positive and uplifting. Negative people are passionless and spineless in life. S: Systematic - Passionate people work with systems and not chaos. Jesus loved people, and when faced with a crowd that was hungry before the miracle He created a system to transmit the loaves and fish that would cater for the need.  S: Servant - Passionate people are willing servants. They service the dr...


Everyday in life I have come to discover that humanity was not made to be self reliant but to be interdependent. We all need HELP somewhere along the journey of life. Help comes in many shapes, sizes or forms. It can be physical or verbal; emotional or mental; spiritual or menial. As I thought about what kind of help do I give and need in life I came to realise that the word HELP was an acronym.      H: Healing - Help will always provide comfort that is a healing balm in some fashion or other.    E: Encouraging - Help will always lift one from one place to a higher plane or dimension in life.  L: Life - Help is a life saver. Ask the person who asked for directions when lost and you will discover that the help given was a life saver.      P: Personal - The best we help we can give is personal. Paying personal attention to another person's challenge pays dividend.  Let it be said of each one of us that we are a helpful...


This fast paced world we live in has pushed aside the role of family and its consequences are really beginning to rear their heads. Family helps place values and purpose in a life. The breakdown of family values has resulted in youths who have lost the purpose for living. While growing up in Africa we constantly heard of riots with a cause but never saw the wanton madness that we have experienced in the United Kingdom. Riots were usually for a reason but this week we have seen kids express themselves with no reason. These have been riots without a purpose by a purposeless generation. A life without a purpose will always be destructive. Solomon wrote of the importance of a vision declaring that where no vision existed the people have no restraint Proverbs 29:18 . What are the benefits of purpose? Purpose gives you direction. Purpose creates boundaries for behaviour. You won't do what castrates your life because you live for a purpose. Purpose brings joy. A purpose fulfilled res...


As I rested overnight I kept dreaming about life. I kept asking what is life? For the past few days I have asked myself what are the keys to a successful life. Everyday we encounter people looking to make their lives better.  As I slept I had this acronym for LIFE drop into my heart. L: Loving - Life is best lived in a loving atmosphere. Successful people are loving people, not just of themselves but of others. Having a loving attitude goes a long way towards making life worthwhile. I: Inspiring - Inspiring people will always be a step ahead of the rest in life. Inspiring people are leaders. Look at Winston Churchill who inspired a nation to victory; look at David who when facing Goliath was inspired by his past victories that he refused to be intimidated by the present. Keep inspiring yourself, surround yourself with inspiring people and watch as you live life to the maximum. F: Favour - This one factor that makes it easy to succeed. Joseph whether in the pit, Potiphar's house,...


Life today is a road that is filled with obstacles and challenges. Some of the obstacles or challenges we face are either man made or simply just life happening. No one is exempt from challenges. There is no status or office in life that grants one a guarantee that says challenge free living. Even Jesus faced challenges that  ensured we saw His humanity and not just His divinity. We were born to overcome and not to be overcome. Every challenge desires to snuff the life out of us unless one's faith is positioned for victory in every situation of life. I was not born to be a loser in life but a victor and neither were you. You and I have within us the DNA of an overcomer. We have a responsibility to see ourselves in the right perspective to enable us to overcome in life. David didn't see Goliath as a threat but as fodder for the taking. What had challenged an army for 40 days, David with the right perspective saw Goliath as small fry for His God. Maintaining the right perspectiv...

Appreciate One Another

One of the greatest issues today is unforgiveness . I believe it is the one reason why we don't appreciate one another. It is the reason many are disrespectful of others. If you ever listen to someone complaining about a friend who has hurt them you will rarely hear what they did wrong but you will hear everything about the other party. It's because unforgiveness acts like a blindfold obscuring your view of others and precluding your view of the whole. Friendship grows with friction, that's why tyres are made as such so that they hit the tarmac and produce friction on the road for a car to travel. As I have been reflecting recently about life I have realised that too many friendships are relationships that are servant based and not real friendship. You know those friends who call only when they are in trouble, but if you are in trouble they are no where to be found; what about those people who are your friends when all is good but leave when you are poor. ...

The Hinge

Everyday I meet people who are seeking for answers to challenges we all face as we go through life. I wake up everyday and thank God that I am a problem solver. You and I are busy solving problems at different spheres of life. As a Christian I have discovered that life hinges on one key. This key is best seen as the hinge to the solutions of issues we face. This key is the gateway to the following: Sustenance Provision Protection Deliverance Favour Abundance Promotion Everlasting life The key is found in Psalms 23:1, which begins with an announcement and declaration by David that The Lord is My Shepherd. Every subsequent verse that speaks of the blessings provided hinges on God being the Lord and Shepherd of our life. I urge that you make Him the Lord of your life and heed Him as He shepherds you to green pastures in every area of life; still waters and not stormy places; sets a table before your enemies; anoints your head; and surely mercy and goodness will follow you all the ...

Be Connected

Many times I recall the nights when we had power black outs as part of an energy saving tactics by the electricity company when growing up. Looking at life while meditating today I realised that many times in life we are not lit up as the power source is disconnected. Ever tried lighting a bulb when the mains are not connected? Many people's lives today are light bulbs that are not connected to the right source and so they flicker in the light they give. Jesus said that we are the light of this world in the greatest sermon ever preached Matthew 5:14 . Light is so crucial that when creation began the first thing God did was decree light Genesis 1:3 . In today's world light is important. Imagine working in darkness, or driving in the dark without lights. The result will be death. That's what happens when life is lived without being connected to the power source. God has made us in such a way that we can only give His light when we are connected to Him. Being conne...

On Time

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a place that's between a rock and a hard place. That place can be defined as a place where on a miracle can turn things around. In such moments I have come to discover that only a divine encounter can turn around the situation. There are many things that can be said about such circumstances but I want to focus on one thing today and that is the fact that God is always on time. He is never late.  Look at Mary and Martha in John 11 who sent for Jesus as their brother and Jesus' friend Lazarus was sick. The limitation they had placed that the only time a miracle could be worked was while Lazarus was ill was destroyed when Jesus appeared 4 days after Lazarus had died and apparently out of time for a miracle He gave them one. God is never late even if the situation or person is dead. Remember Abraham and Sarah, they were without a child and it never seemed like they would ever have a child. But they held onto the promise of God and at 90 yea...

Get Ready

I woke up today very aware that God is not dead. Just because there are challenges to face does not mean He has forgotten you. One thing that this age we are living in will do is to test our hearts. The main question we have to answer is "Are we living our own purpose and plan or are we living in accordance to the plan and purposes of God?". Many today don't know that they are selfish in their living as they are chasing their own dream and not God's plan. Our thoughts are not His thoughts and neither are our ways His way Isaiah 55:8. Fulfilment is only found in living His dream plans. Everyday we are faced with a choice; a test of faith where everyday you and I are invited to live life in a theatre watched by the world, satan and God. Your actions, opinions, values, words, all point towards where your faith really is. If your heart and mind are not synchronised with the word of God you will soon discover that your life is not responding as its facing ...

Celebrate Someone

I get to listen to many people everyday as part of my work. I enjoy it and would not do it if I did not enjoy it. One of the many things I have come to realise is that whenever relationships, at whatever level, break down in life it is because someone stopped celebrating the good points of life that the other person brings.  The world has taught us that we only appreciate people when something is done that benefits us whereas we forget to appreciate the small things like a friend being there even when they don't bring something great to the table. I have come to discover that the day we stop appreciating one another it is easier to lie to one another. If I appreciate you I will so value you that I will not go down the route of making a mountain of a mole hill because my eyes see the greater good in you. I have come to a place where I have realised that when we celebrate the good in each other, it's easy to deal with the stepping on one another's toes. It takes work to alwa...


We are almost at the middle point of the year. Many will at this time be taking stock of their lives seeking to evaluate their goals and targets for this year and will re-evaluate to see the progress made. As I sat and meditated about the year so far, God reminded me that its important to give thanks. I may not be where I wanted to be at the beginning of the year but one thing I will do is be grateful to God for where I am as I am a living testimony that miracles still occur. The future may look bleak to some because of the economic forecasts, but still I choose to give thanks because I am alive. The mere fact that I am alive is proof that I still have a reason to hope against all odds that I will turn the corner of life and see my dream come to pass. The medical report may be speaking of doom, the business may be facing a winding up order, still I insist on giving thanks. However bad things look, there is still one thing that you and I can rejoice and give thanks over and that is the...


As this month of June begins, I felt impressed to pray and ask God for "Understanding". As I meditated on this in the morning I wondered why I needed to make that kind of prayer. Whilst still thinking and meditating I realised that without understanding I have only knowledge which is not able to cause a revolution in life. Understanding is able to open up knowledge and allows one to use knowledge for their advantage. Understanding is what exposes one to revelation that unlocks the doorway to the miraculous; it  is having the veil over knowledge removed and enables one to access the power inherent in the knowledge. Without understanding you may know the promises of God for your life and not see the power locked in them released. Too many times I have walked in life knowing the promises but now with my eyes opened to understand I am able to comprehend what God has and thus unlock the forces locked within the promise. Understanding enables one to walk in obedience Psalms 32:9 ;...

The Cure for Tiredness

I woke up on Monday and while praying I told God that am tired. Tired of waiting; tired of life; tired of everything that is life; and guess what God am tired of hearing people say they are tired of being hopeful but not seeing their desire fulfilled. As I prayed and gave God thanks that even in my tiredness I needed a solution and one that would be a cure to what I perceive to be a prevailing issue in the world today, I was certain God would answer. I am sure am not alone in this but many today are tired, just plain tired of the battles of life as life just seems draining. Since Monday, God has been reminding me of the power of joy as God given joy overides tiredness or heaviness. God takes the garment of tiredness-heaviness- and places a garment of praise-joy Isaiah 61:3 ! I made up my mind to praise God like never before. I dance anywhere and everywhere as the joy of God is my strength. Tiredness affects your attitudes towards the battles of life. Being tired of the warfare of life...

Get Up and Get Moving

One thing about life is falling down or failure has no respect of age. You may have been walking well when suddenly you trip and fall. A baby may just not have the capacity to walk fall and suddenly just falls to the ground tired by the new experience. For each person at whatever age when you fall down the most important thing is to get up and get moving again. Life may have drained you that you just want to pack it all in; I have a word of encouragement to you, get up and get moving. Where you are is not your destination and neither should you allow your experience become your life. Your present is not your future, unless you get up and move you cannot arrive at the desired destination. We all fall in differing mannerisms but don't allow a fall or failure to define you. I will end with the words of Solomon, let them inspire you to run the race. "For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again " Proverbs 24:16a

What Can You See?

Life has a habit of painting pictures in us that many a time are limiters to our progress. The struggles of life form bonds that tie us to pain and may in some cases cause us to go down on the path of life instead of taking flight into greatness. Abraham and Sarah were barren, in need of a heir, promised by God of a miracle but wondering when. Along the way they tried to help God which resulted in a mess. But all this time God kept encouraging Abraham to maintain the right picture of the promise being fulfilled and not being denied inspite of delay. Count the stars, see the sand, images that were to reinforce the picture of the promise God had given of a son. Moses in the desert, having run away from Egypt on the count of a crime, encountered God who changed what he had settled for life and gave him an assignment that was bigger than his dreams. God never gives you a task that will not require His help to accomplish. To accomplish the assisgnment of God, Moses had to first adjust the ...

What Are You Hearing?

Words are powerful, in fact Solomon said that death and life is in the power of the words Proverbs 18:21 . Your words make your life., but I have come to realise that for dreams to become real you have to speak what is within your heart and mind. Your words must be synchronised with your thoughts to produce the dream you desire. Nobody learns to speak without first hearing someone speak. We learn to speak from our hearing others speak. Listening to many people today I have realised that we have to regulate what we hear that we may speak aright. Words are so powerful that when God spoke darkness backed off, Genesis 1:3 . Jesus said that we would be judged by the words we speak; its words that hold the world together. Looking at the world today we can see the effects of bad words and great words. What you hear affects what you speak out. Spend time listening to words that are not life filled and you will soon bring forth nothing that is life filled, consequently if you develop a habit o...

More Blessed

In the account of Jesus resurrection I encountered Thomas famous for his doubting that Jesus arose. This gentleman derided by many for his doubting is really a picture of many today. Think about it how many times do we doubt God. Doubt is not just an expression of thoughts ruminating through the mind but can also be displayed in actions. As I thought about Thomas I realised that many times we, including me,  have a similar attitude towards the fulfilment of the promises of God.  Here was  Thomas, who had not only seen Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead, he also had seen countless miracles, but had also listened and heard as Jesus had declared Himself to be the Resurrection and Life. He had also heard him say that He would rise within 3 days; yet even when the other disciples told him that Jesus had risen as He had said he doubted. His expression of doubt only revealed his state of mind and heart.  How many times do we in life doubt the reality of the promise of God i...

Rejected, Dejected but Grateful

Have you been rejected by anyone or by an organisation? Its not the best feeling in the world. Rejection leaves one pandering at the abyss of loneliness and desperation, wondering why and what could have been done to save the situation. dejection is what many feel after being rejected. Dejection is the sorrow or grief we have after being refused or granted what we desired. Both these feelings are companions that many are akin to in the world we live in. If you have never felt these feelings then please go on living as you will soon know them. What I have come to discover is that we are slowly becoming immune to the effects of rejection that dumping relationships either on personal or corporate grounds is easier today than ever before. But as I have observed human behaviour I have also come to discover a greater rejection that is taking place in our lives today. Rejecting truth is the greatest concern I have for humanity today. Truth as presented by God is what has and will sustain hum...

I Am Persuaded

You only do what you do because you have placed some form of value to it. For example, I believe in God and therefore see my life through His view point as I am convinced that a God centred life is fulfilling and purposeful. Recently I was reminded that in life we are in agreement either with the circumstances of life or with the convictions within that generate hope for a better tomorrow. I just need to jot down some persuasions and address the many circumstances in life that are attempting to speak. I am persuaded that God is God. No arguments or disputes about who God is; He is God. I am persuaded that God is in control. The world may not think so, the news may not show it but God is in total charge of the earth and heavens. I am persuaded that God is able to do what I commit to Him 2 Timothy 1:12b . Irrespective of what life has offered, irrespective of the challenges I have faced, irrespective of what appears to be impossible, irrespective of the tough times we are living in, I ...

New Beginnings

I woke up with an excitement that a new day is beginning in my life. This scripture came to mind "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. " Isaiah 43:19 . I believe that even in the midst of all the changes or challenges we are all undergoing whether individually, corporately, racially, regionally, nationally or as the entire world God has a new day for you and I. To step into the new day one has to be prepared for it. As I wrote this blog, a friend called to let me know that his wife had been put to bed early and the baby had arrived early. Guess what they were ready for the new arrival. Many times we miss out on the new thing that God has prepared for us because we are not ready. Life is to believed prepared for greatness. To thoroughly enjoy this new day we need a new mindset. Many people want a new beginning in life and they do believe every day is new start but ...

A Different Side of Poverty

Let me start by saying that this blog may be different and as a result I want to reassure anyone, everyone and someone that I am well. I have today decided to share some thoughts that may place me in a very vulnerable place but I have done so only at the behest of many friends who have encouraged me to share what I am sharing. I don't have a grudge with anyone, but am concerned with the way friendships are failing fast in this instant product loving; microwave cooking world.  We live in a world today that is fast paced, fully loaded with challenges for us but poverty is still rife and I have discovered a new form of poverty that is crippling humanity. We are so consumed with ourselves that the beauty of life is ebbing away from us.  The world, especially the developed world, today is suffering from a severe shortage of true friends. Loneliness is now so much on the rise that it's now considered a mental health condition. Mother Theresa stated that " Lonelines...

Doubt Your Doubts

In the midst of the various catastrophes that are shaking planet earth, many people are questioning their lives. I have over the last few months questioned the direction of my life as I have come to realise the frailty and fragility of the life we live. Now more than ever, people are questioning  their faith and beliefs. The shaking we are seeing in the world of every system that feeds humanity be it economical, physiological, psychological, social, marital, spiritual, etc, are all contributing to many beginning to deal with doubt. Listening to many people talk today it's not just about hardship but many are questioning their existence and purpose. What has amazed me most has been the way that many have questioned life to the extent of questioning the Giver of Life. Yes, life has become tough; yes, we are living during a period of tough times; and yes, the world seems to have thrown God out of their minds but remember that tough times don't last, tough people do!! The constan...

A Letter to God

Dear God, How are you? I hope you are well cause down here on earth all doesn't seem well. How is heaven where your throne is? One day when You call me I will see the splendor and glory that so many others have described as an awesome place to behold and reside. I just want to talk to you about life. I just want to reassure myself with Your promises as they have never failed and I won't be the first to attest to not having a promise fulfilled  as You are not about failure but fulfilment of purpose. I do realise that these are the last days; the earthquakes, tsunamis, wars and recessions are simply are testament to what Jesus said in Matthew 24 . But I don't understand why the pain. when you have promised us dimensions of your glory that will make  your children outstanding  in the midst of the world. I don't understand why we your people seem to be forgotten. Everyday we shed tears of pain and sorrow as our hope in you is under constant attack. I know Jesus said that ...